Join The Team!
Here are good reasons to dedicate some of your time (or your entire life, as you prefer :) ) to PlaneShift:
- PlaneShift has a long history, going back 20+ years, is the first 3D MMORPG to be free for all players to play, as much as they want
- What you make for the game will be seen and enjoyed by thousands of people over the years
- You can decide the pace, as it's a hobby and there will be no pressure on deadlines or results
- The team is ever changing, with hundreds of people who contributed over the years from all over the world sharing the same passion about RPGs
- We are not limited by commercial goals. Only our own quality standards and talents determine how far we can go
- We are a fair, friendly and happy community! You can make new friends all around the world
PlaneShift is a complex project and first of all it needs a good organization, for this reason we have divided the project in different departments. Each department has a leader that will ensure the progress and coordination of contributors.
Here you find an Organization Chart that explains which are the departments that you can choose for contributing. Click on it!
We are a group of volunteers an not a commercial organization so we can't provide a salary for contributors, members or leaders.
Please note that we accept only people with age of 18 or older. Our team is made of people from 18 to 40 actually.
To contribute we need you to spend a minimum of 6 hours per week on the development. That's just a guideline not a firm rule. Our active developers spend about 3-4 hours per day on the game.
You should choose one department where you want to contribute. The skills required are listed below in the description of each department.
Read it carefully.

Will contribute to the core development of PlaneShift, client or server side depending on skills.
- 2 years or more C++ programming.
- Unreal Engine experience really helpful.
- Good OO skills.
- Ability to work on large projects
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Previous experiences on other C++ projects.
- Previous experiences on other games projects.
- Knowledge of 3d programming (not required but good to have)
- Knowledge of Unreal Engine (not required but good to have)

Will create models for characters of the game (players and NPCs), buildings, terrain, etc... Will also contribute to the intro of the game and all rendered animations.
- Good modeling and texturing skills.
- Experience with Blender 3D
- Bent for medieval setting.
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Programs you use to model (3DSMax, Maya, Blender, etc, ...). Please tell us how many years of experience you have in those.
- Previous experiences on RPGs. Which tabletop games you played. If you have been DM and for how much time. Which RPG computer games you played.
- Send or point with an URL to some rendered images of models made by you, Models can be buildings, items, or characters (preferred). Try to send the type of models you would like to work on in PlaneShift.

Will create all texture for 3D models, concept art for new races, monsters, weapons, and maps.
- Strong artistic ability.
- Knowledge of major 2D paint programs (GIMP, Krita, Photoshop, ...)
- Bent for medieval setting.
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Programs you use to draw (Photoshop, etc...). Please tell us how many years of experience you have in those.
- Previous experiences on RPGs. Which tabletop games you played. If you have been DM and for how much time. Which RPG computer games you played.
- Post an URL to some black & white artwork and some images colored with a paint program.

Will improve the current web site with drawings, new layout, new pages, more content, flash intros, etc...
- Strong artistic ability.
- Knowledge of major 2D paint programs (GIMP, Krita, Photoshop, ...)
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Previous experiences on building web sites.
- Web languages you know (php, perl, asp, javascript, etc...)
- Web applications you use to build sites. Please tell us how many years of experience you have in those.
- Post references to sites made by you, or send a proposal to update the layout of our main page.

Will create background stories, quests, legends, NPCs and anything related to the setting of PlaneShift.
- Dungeon Master of pen and paper RPGs for 2+ years.
- Bent for medieval setting.
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Previous experiences on RPGs. Which pen and paper RPG games you played. If you have been DM and for how much time. Which RPG computer games you played.
- Post a writing made by you, or an adventure made by you for pen and paper RPG, or some short and special quest ideas.

Public Relation Department: RECRUITER Member (We have open positions!)
Will talk to press giving information about PlaneShift.
Will create new opportunities for PlaneShift to be present on the major sites.
Will provide interviews with devs, on-line events, and others to increase the popularity of PlaneShift.
- Fluent written english is required.
- Must be heavily present on-line in terms of hours/day.
- Knowledge of Net sites related to RPG, multiplayer, communities.
- Used to social networking tools, like facebook, google+, twitter, IRC channels, Aim, Yahoo, Newsgroups, ...
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Previous experiences on public relations (press, magazines, ...).
- Previous experiences on RPGs. Which tabletop games you played. If you have been DM and for how much time. Which RPG computer games you played.
- Include info on 3 sites you know where we can promote PlaneShift. 3 sites where we can find new developers for any of the departments.

MUSIC Member (NOT needed at the moment)
Will create background music for the game, music for Web page and other presentations.
- Compositor.
- Play the keyboard or other MIDI instrument.
- Knowledge of main music formats, compressor, optimization.
- Bent for medieval setting.
Samples should be in OGG format (
Insert your application here.
Please insert this information:
- Previous experiences at producing music. Instruments you play and which experience you have at those.
- Programs you use to produce music (Cakewalk, etc...). Please tell us how many years of experience you have in those.
- Previous experiences on RPGs. Which tabletop games you played. If you have been DM and for how much time. Which RPG computer games you played.
- Post an URL where we can download a piece made by you. Best if the piece is a background music suited for a game or movie.
SOUNDS Member (We have open positions!)
Will create all sound effect related to spells, interface options, monster voices, speech, etc...
- Knowledge of main sound formats and programs to manipulate those.
Please insert this information:
- Previous experiences at producing sounds. Instruments you play and which experience you have at those.
- Programs you use to produce sounds. Please tell us how many years of experience you have in those.
- Previous experiences on RPGs. Which tabletop games you played. If you have been DM and for how much time. Which RPG computer games you played.
- Send or provide an URL where we can download some sounds made by you. Best if the sounds can be used as spell effects, medieval weapon effects, monsters voices/effects.

RULES Member (We have open positions!)
Will be responsible for balancing the mechanics of the game, like combat, magic, progression, as well as balancing and expanding crafting.
- Have a good mathematical mind, manage complex excel files and formulas.
- Know PlaneShift world and current magic/combat/progression mechanics.
- Knowledge of the most common rulesets of tabletop RPGs.
- Good written english.
Insert your application here.
The first step is to become a prospect! This is pretty easy, you just have to fill the application form mentioned above, and then wait for the approval of your profile. Please fill the form adding as much details as you can, so you will have higher chances to be approved. Including a portfolio and/or a list of previous experiences is very important. When you become a prospect you will have your first tasks assigned and your primary reference point will be the department leader.
After completing successfully some projects as a prospect, you can ask to become an associate developer. An associate developer is officially part of the development team, and can participate to internal discussion and decisions, has access to internal resources and appear in credits of the game, and web site.
To be a member you must pass the approval of the current leader of your department. Members are part of the Atomic Blue organization and have proven their skills and dedication to the project for a long period of time, being first associate developer.
As a member you will benefit of many advantages in the game: you can have special character with a defined social position in Yliakum society, free magical items or weapons, a permanent house and more...
You will have tasks assigned by your leader and you will be asked to respect deadlines to finish those jobs, you are requested to dedicate at least 1-2 hours a day to PS.
Department LEADER
To be a department leader you must pass the approval of the project leader. Before that you will go through a trial period and only after proving that you have the right skills and dedication to the project you will officially become a leader.
This is the most demanding and complex job in our team.
There's one leader for each department and he can have also one co-leader helping in his job.
He will ensure progress in his department completing the most important tasks in his area and will organize work of other members.
He is the primary reference for development.
Required Skills:
- Strong committment to the project.
- Good skill to organize work of the Team.
- Team leadership.
- Good knowledge of the area in which he applies
The leader is the most important contributor of his department!
He will complete critical tasks, he will always have work to do. His tasks are similar to the ones of the members. He manages their tasks and prioritization.